This pantheon of Gods is made up of three Gods in-one. All personnel should be supplied with any religious paraphernalia they request before flight time. These religions believe that God created the world and has absolute authority over the world and humanity. Sub-power of Transcendent Physiology (Dark version). Terms of Service - what you can, what you should not etc. It wouldn't spook Nilbog unless it was in working order, had someone piloting it, and was going on a rampage. The corpses remain largely immobile, and as such, pose no physical threat, but are capable of speech. 001 doesn't. 0. Dogs' Cause of Death: [REDACTED] Flaw Resolution: After swallowing the antagonist whole, Ryan gathers his legions … View and manage file attachments for this page. "God". #1. silver. This method has proved successful, as each flight since the first has had fewer casualties and a shorter duration. Failure to keep SCP-616-1 from closing will require initiation of Procedure 600-Shoki. SCP-343 is detained willingly in his chamber, as containment has proved impossible (see notes). He wants to slay him, and then burn him. Angel Creation and Angelization; Angel Manipulation Interesting question! If you want to discuss contents of this page - this is the easiest way to do it. Concealment: The GOC has to keep the knowledge of paranormal threats secret, as exposure of said threats could lead to mass panic and, eventually, massive casualties in the … Disappears. “He is the invisible Spirit, of whom it is not right to think of him as a god, or something similar. 1. Considering this so called Abrahamic God couldn't get rid of a regenerating lizard monster (SCP-682), I would tend to think so. He isn’t. The mission Statement is the following, and are listed in order of importance: SurvivalThe GOC has to protect the human race against all paranormal threats, and this mission take priority over all other four. Something does not work as expected? In regards to this problem, Dr. ████████ suggested using religion as an abundant and efficient way to harness belief. Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under. In the case of SCP-1730, it appears the Foundation was taken over by the GOC in an other reality, and it started a anomaly-holocaust, killing all anomalies, including a being that was suspected to be the Abrahamic God. Unfold All Fold All More Options Applications All. Find out what you can do. Abraham received the priesthood from Melchizedek. However, this is discouraged as nearly all personnel opening and/or passing through the door have reported severe anxiety problems and a persistent feeling of being watched. Addendum 616-02: On █/█/████, A remote controlled rover obtained footage from within SCP-616-1. Forum Posts. Things like the Scarlet King, a true Abrahamic God, whatever the sarkist thing is called, gods of Norse and hindu mythology, etc etc etc. Their strengths are likely limited to the things they can perceive, and they're generally considered to be thinking, feeling beings. In this case, they are almost always referring to SCP-1730. One second later, you die. Feast Event Transcription. Instance: SCP-4587-210 Title: DOGM OVIE: TRAN SENDANTS Flaw: "…there am are some who do not appreciate the you am being great." "What's Abrahamic Faith?" Addendum 616-01: The airliner series never went into service, as the various anomalous events surrounding SCP-616's test flights were reported as various design failures. It is he who exists as God and Father of everything, the invisible One who is above everything, who exists as incorruption, which is in the pure light into which no eye can look. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-343 resides in a 6.1 m by 6.1 m (20 ft by 20 ft) room at Minimal Security Site 17. v1.3 If reached … They have also been known to cause more problems … Summary: The many gods are of the SCP pantheon and sharing headcanons. View/set parent page (used for creating breadcrumbs and structured layout). SCP-343 is detained willingly in his chamber, as containment has proved impossible (see notes). However, repair personnel are to maintain a distance of at least three (3) meters from SCP-616-1. This necessitates a monthly manned flight. IT ALSO HAPPENS TO BE THE ABRAHAMIC RELIGION'S SACRED NUMBER, 777'S DIGITS MULTIPLIED ON THEMSELVES." That immediately makes it seem like 682 … Dark variation of Divinity. 2317 is probably in here too. deactivated-5dace575ce059. Tufto has written a ton of great Abrahamic skips from the Islamic perspective. I really, really dislike when people take SCP-343 at face value and say he's the Abrahamic god. While the SCP Foundation has threefold mission statement, the GOC has a five fold, matching the Pentagram in their emblem. Knowledge. General documentation and help section. Replica of SCP-1048 made entirely out of human ears. The current 'Satanic Markings' were in fact added by the Foundation. Change the name (also URL address, possibly the category) of the page. Dmatrix created the Horizon Initiative GOI which is all about Abrahamic stuff, especially since it’s made up of clergy from the three main Abrahamic faiths. SCP-343. Upon exposure to 343, we witness god state that 682 is not one of his. SCP-4005 is one of those world-ending entries that I understand can turn people off, but what a world-ending! Find out what you can do. [8.1.2] Abraham desired to become a worthy priesthood holder and to make covenants with the Lord (see Abraham 1:1–4).The Bible Dictionary describes the covenant Abraham entered into with the Lord: “Abraham first received the gospel by baptism (which is the covenant of salvation). It should be timed so that SCP-616-1 opens in mid-flight, at an altitude of approximately 10,972 m and a speed of about 780 km/h. God is further held to have the properties of holiness, justice, omni-benevolence and omnipresence. Once SCP-616-1 spontaneously opens, cabin pressure will destabilize as expected, and extreme 'turbulence' is encountered. Click here to toggle editing of individual sections of the page (if possible). Who are the SCP gods in the SCP Foundation? The language spoken by these reanimated corpses remains unidentified. Attempts to add further safety precautions or required clearances are unnecessary/impossible due to the nature of SCP-343 (see description). Another characteristic shared among Abrahamic religions is the belief in prophets as the link between God and humanity where God reveals himself to these select few people to offer guidance and instructions to humanity. The house of Israel is the family of the Lord’s Saints. Though superficially similar to the Boeing 737 which went into service shortly afterwards, SCP-616's model had various internal alterations, including [DATA EXPUNGED]. According to the Bible (Bible / Genesis 22:5), God asks Abraham to sacrifice his son, Isaac. Lorgar: "I found one. Description: SCP-616 is a prototype Boeing ███-███, designed by █████ █████████ and constructed on 16/06/1966 to specifications. Note: The following is an excerpt from the transcript of recorded audio … Please see [Document SCP-616 DE2] for further information on [DATA EXPUNGED] and effective means of termination. While grounded, repair personnel of a clearance level of two (2) or above are allowed to enter the craft, and must conduct thorough pre-flight inspections to ascertain that SCP-616 is ready for flight. SCP-1050-2 consist of documents with text equivalent to carvings on SCP-1050-1, apparently written by the rulers alleged by SCP-1050-1 to have proclaimed the message. SCP-616-1 is a standard emergency door, though partially covered in extensive markings associated with Satanic cults adhering to [REDACTED]. Big E: "I FORBID YOU FROM PICKING THAT ONE-MAGNUS NO!" For now, I leave this report open as further questioning of SCP-343 is ongoing." If you tire of SCP … After various interviews with [REDACTED], [REDACTED], a single test run, and [DATA EXPUNGED], it was determined that the belief in one's ability to keep SCP-616-1 open was ultimately the critical component to being able to accomplish the deed. Jack Clock. The location of Site 0 is known only to the current SCP Administrator and the single Overseer-level Agent of Abrahamic faith (O5-14) assigned to monitor SCP-001 from Site 0. No one is permitted to enter an 850-meter radius around SCP-1643 without prior approval from the site director. In 2010 we contained God. In the case of SCP-1730, it appears the Foundation was taken over by the GOC in an other reality, and it started a anomaly-holocaust, killing all anomalies, including a being that was suspected to be the Abrahamic God. In the unlikely event that any official misses the ceremony, a substitute of equal rank must be on hand to replace him or her. Whether this is due to properties of SCP-616-1 or human psychology is unknown. All you need is a sealed box. RPGnet stands with Black Americans in the fight for rights, safety, and justice. v1.1 If touched the victim will enter a dissociative fugue, psychogenic state and adopt the identity and memories of a random human being. Addendum #343-3: Data recovered on ██/██/████ from routine check of Dr. ████████████ ███████████'s network drive: Document #343-1a: "[DATA LOST]…as of [DATA EXPUNGED] 'visitors' of SCP-343 are to be questioned as to their intent and convers…[DATA LOST]…uestions pertaining to other SCP are to be put forth…[DATA LOST]… orders of Dr. ████████████ ███████████", Document #343-1b: "[DATA LOST]…apparently my orders have gone missing. God the Father, Son the God and the Holy Spirit. Since the advent of classical atheism, several paradoxes have been developed, pointing to the presence of logical inconsistencies – contradictions – in this attribute, many of them concluding that it is impossible for real omnipotence to exist. Abraham brings his son to the altar, and ties him up. Prayer must be sustained by all able subjects, but once SCP-616-1 has activated, previously established distance restrictions no longer apply; subjects are in fact encouraged to try to physically stop SCP-616-1 from closing, though extreme caution must be taken to keep any personnel from falling through the threshold as that will likely result in [DATA EXPUNGED]. Description: SCP-5120 is an ancient city named Fidelis Roma. He puts him on the wood and brings a knife. Forum » SCP Universe / Foundation Universe » The Gods of the SCP Universe Started by: Baronjoe Date: 21 Feb 2018 05:08 Number of posts: 67 RSS: New posts. I say: take a chance. Laconic Description: SCP-001 is a special case, and is not a single SCP, but rather a collection of "SCP-001 Proposals", which do not compete for 001, but offer alternate … Well, there really isn’t one strongest SCP above all the others, but I’ll summarize the ones that can be especially dangerous. Click here to edit contents of this page. Furthermore, two ███ nuclear devices with a combined yield of ██ megatons are to be armed inside the aircraft at all times. Here's a list of things that the SCP foundation has done : Remember these are guys who have contained things like chuthulu , the Abrahamic god , hyperversal eldritch abominations , type green reality benders who can destroy entire universes with a thought , objects which can melt reality and existence itself and beings who are above the concept of existence. Robotic exploration is permitted. That immediately makes it seem like 682 cannot be related. The official must report to the Foundation and arrive physically at the Containment Site at least three days prior to the year elapsing. If there’s any skip that’s capital G God, it’s this one not 343. The Roman Catholic Pope (or a similar Abrahamic religious figure) must bless the aircraft in accordance with the appropriate religious ceremony once per full year. Description: SCP-343 is a male, seemingly race-less, humanoid in appearance with apparent omnipotence. Notify administrators if there is objectionable content in this page. SCP-343 or SCP-001? Item #: SCP-001 - BLOCKED Laconic Containment Procedures: A page declaring SCP-001 to be top secret, followed by warnings and a large fractal memetic kill agent. These speaking corpses should be terminated if possible, as their speech poses potential psychological dangers, as well as enable SCP-616-1's closing via [DATA EXPUNGED]. SCP-343 greatly enjoys speaking with people, and seems to have a knowledge of all topics. All plans and blue-prints have been seized by the Foundation. Angel Lordship. The power to have powers from a dark divine source. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-616 is to be kept in Site [REDACTED]. Will screech when close to the player, causing ear-like growths to begin forming all over their body leading to asphyxiation. It is distinctly Roman in origin but lacks influence from the Abrahamic faiths. Which one is God and which one is the strongest? The reason people find 173 scary is it’s legendary ability to almost teleport. These would include the Gate Gaurdian, Cain, Abel, and (maybe) 343. Abraham covenanted with the Lord. Considering this so called Abrahamic God couldn't get rid of a regenerating lizard monster (SCP … Upon exposure to 343, we witness god state that 682 is not one of his. And we swear to God, if anyone comes in here and starts spouting off QAnon bullshit about COVID-19 or literally anything else, you are going to get permabanned so thoroughly that your grandchildren won't be allowed to post here. SCP-616-1 can be opened without major incident when grounded, and leads to the outside of the aircraft as expected. Something does not work as expected? The Monad is a monarchy with nothing above it. All personnel who viewed this footage directly committed suicide by various means within a two-month period. Judaism, Christianity, Islam, are called Abrahamic religions because they all accept the tradition of the God (known as Yahweh in Hebrew and Allah in Arabic) that revealed himself to Abraham. View wiki source for this page without editing. Addendum #343-2: In regards to document 343-1a, there are no relevant records available or seemingly in existence and, similarly, all records of Dr. ████████████ ███████████ ever working with SCP-343 or Dr. Beck are missing and presumed non-existent. 0. General documentation and help section. There is one thing that the Abrahamic God didn't create. The SCPverse has many Type-Greens, and what we do know suggests he's just a moderately strong reality bender. < > Showing 1-14 of 14 comments . And then Chaos gets even more eldritch because the Cicada thinks it’s Chaos itself (see SCP-3004, where it eats the Abrahamic God, and thinks it has become Yahweh) 6 reeeeee7373 Commisar With a Mouth. Lorgar: *laughter Item #: SCP-343 Big E: "THAT'S SEVEN CUBED. The SCPverse has many Type-Greens, and what we do know suggests he's just a moderately strong reality bender. When I returned for a second visit, the previously bare cell had been furnished in up-scale, Old English style, complete with a roaring fireplace, and seemed many times larger than it did from the exterior. > Needless to say, you're not supposed to be viewing these files. Though the current containment procedures specify the necessity of Abrahamic faith and prayer to keep SCP-616-1 from closing, this necessity is in fact fabricated. The Horizon Initiative, also known as the HI, is an organization in the same universe as the SCP Foundation.It's a religious organization formed by the main three Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam), who operate in the name of God and his creation, either contain or destroy anomalous objects. Jesus, what a bullshit overblown universe. Still, alongside the SCP Foundation and the Global Occult Coalition, they serve as the main defenssive line for humanity against the anomalous. This subject is now closed on orders of O5-█. The best known of such is the paradox of stone. The being that takes the shape of Pennywise is “older than the Universe,” and his crashing to Earth was said to have devastated the land. SCP-616-1 should be kept from closing at all costs once activated. All personnel involved in the repairs, observation, operation, or flight of SCP-616 must submit to psychological evaluations after each period of exposure. Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License. When I asked him to prove this, he laughed, walked through the wall of the chamber, and returned seconds later with a hamburger in his hand. Change the name (also URL address, possibly the category) of the page. Religious. In particular, personnel should not be practicing members of any Abrahamic faith. Corpses with an undamaged larynx present within SCP-616 once SCP-616-1 activates seemingly reanimate for the duration of the flight. NOTE: Clearance Level 4 or Higher Required. Although they are one of the most powerful creatures in the Multiverse, their power is seemingly inferior to that of the Pattern Screamers, who are even feared by these gods. Structure. We have seen quite a few SCPs based off of the Abrahamic faith. Sorry for the late response. That thing … He hasn't provided any proof to the effect, and a careful reading suggests that he's been manipulating his containment team. Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License. Despite a noble mission statement, the GOC is could also be considered as a potential New World Order concept, as several of its members come from controversial groups, as does their Pentagram-emblem. Click here to toggle editing of individual sections of the page (if possible). It is my belief that 682 is also intertwined with this. 173 isn’t all that dangerous. After various interviews with [REDACTED], [REDACTED], a single test run, and [DATA EXPUNGED], it was determined that the belief in one's ability to keep SCP-616-1 open was ultimately the critical component to being able to accomplish the deed. The location of Site 0 is known only to the current SCP Administrator and the single Overseer-level Agent of Abrahamic faith (O5-14) assigned to monitor SCP-001 from Site 0. Watch headings for an "edit" link when available. Long-term observation or exposure to SCP-616 is not recommended. If you want to discuss contents of this page - this is the easiest way to do it. Which one is God and which one is the strongest? Coming to realization that the Abrahamic God is a douche is what turned me away from religion. Description. This apparently triggered a XK-class "end of the world scenario" and the Earth was turned into hell-like landscape. Observation using any sort of electronic device is satisfactory while SCP-616 is grounded, though some visual anomalies have been recorded, including [DATA EXPUNGED]. The only version of the SCP Foundation that stands a chance is the one with the Abrahamic God. In the last minute, an angel of God … The Abrahamic Covenant Bible story is from the book of Genesis and begins with chapter 12 as God calls upon Abraham to go to the land of Canaan where he promises to "make of him a great nation," a blessing unto to mankind through his descendants all families of the world shall be blessed.. Proponents of Abrahamic faiths believe that God is also transcendent, meaning … Attempts to bar staff below Level 3 clearance have proven unsuccessful, as guards assigned to watch the room quit their posts, saying 'You know He likes company' or shrugging when questioned. Speaking of "gods as SCPs", I like SCP-2404's take on … Amber asked, to which the rest also shrugged. SCP-343 is clearly not the Abrahamic God; when he is asked to prove this, he simply does things that any low-level reality bender could do. In the case of SCP-1730, it appears the Foundation was taken over by the GOC in an other reality, and it started a anomaly-holocaust, killing all anomalies, including a being that was suspected to be the Abrahamic God. Below that is the list of SCP-001 proposals. He is the creator of … Follow 17723. I'm pretty sure he's the Abrahamic God, but the mistake most people make is that they equate God of Abraham to Omnipotence in the SCPverse. Like, the Abrahamic god would be above anything and everything. View and manage file attachments for this page. Description: SCP-343 is a male, seemingly race-less, humanoid in appearance with apparent omnipotence. Forum Posts . Impossible according to the levels of power that “Pennywise” and Maturin possess explained in this video. SCP-1643 is a 230-m tall tower located in … Setup: A secure interview room with two (2) chairs and One (1) … Other localized anomalies such as better health, greater job satisfaction, and lower fatalities in this section have led to the request being granted. Aug 1, 2020 #269 Naranka said: (see SCP-3004, where it eats the Abrahamic God, and thinks it has become Yahweh) Click to expand... Click to shrink... That SCP … Follow 17723. And then Chaos gets even more eldritch because the Cicada thinks it’s Chaos itself (see SCP-3004, where it eats the Abrahamic God, and thinks it has become Yahweh) 6 reeeeee7373 Commisar With a Mouth. I really, really dislike when people take SCP-343 at face value and say he's the Abrahamic god. He hasn't provided any proof to the effect, and a careful reading suggests that he's been manipulating his containment team. Failure to properly time this event is catastrophic, since SCP-616-1 closing fully while grounded could affect all life-forms within an unknown radius, causing potentially hundreds of [DATA EXPUNGED], posing severe threats to population centers, and requiring immediate use of Procedure 600-Shoki. Some of it's false, even ridiculous. 24/7 monitoring of SCP-001 is to take place from a safe (10 km+) distance from a pre-determined location (Site 0). May 26, 2014 #30 Ninjafish said: no it's noted that Said god is staying there voluntarily and that they can't actually contain him if he doesn't want to be. I will confront SCP-343 tomorrow signed Dr. ████████████ ███████████", Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under. Grandmaster Luke + Darth Sidious of EU VS God Emperor of Mankind in his prime is speculation at its best.. 6 years ago. I wrote SCP 3221 … If there’s any skip that’s capital G God, it’s this one not 343. I do know there is a god or devil SCP that is locked up in another dimension and is slowly breaking its shackles and will one day break free and kill us all Unrelated to the topic, but I think I was in a server with you. Grandmaster Luke + Darth Sidious of EU VS God Emperor of Mankind in his prime is speculation at its best.. 6 years ago. Click here to edit contents of this page. Personality Tufto has written a ton of great Abrahamic skips from the Islamic perspective. It is now believed █████ █████████'s designs were entirely intentional and done under no external compulsion. Scp-1348 is probably my favorite Abrahamic article on the site. Since SCP-343 has thus far been harmless, all staff have been allowed access, and somehow they all have time to meet with him for as long as they need. It should be brought any items it requests and visited by at least one staff member each day. Amm0vamp1r3. All further attempts to observe past the "event horizon" have yielded similar results, and such expeditions are no longer permitted. However, scripture tells us a different story of God. On flight days, only ordained and believing ministers of an Abrahamic faith with security clearance of level four or above may enter the aircraft, and must remain at least 0.94 m (3 ft 1 in) from the threshold of SCP-616-1 at all times whilst the craft is grounded. 2 Red Flag. A security tape of the video with the recording playing did not cause any death, despite containing full sound and color recordings of the footage. The requirement of an Abrahamic leader's blessing, as well as using ordained Abrahamic preachers for the act itself, are all for the benefit of maintaining morale and reinforcing belief. Also of note, the Abrahamic Deities were also have been thought of as a female deities (goddesses) by some of its modern followers, and even asexual to others. Terms of Service - what you can, what you should not etc. Jesus, what a bullshit overblown universe. SCP: 343 (AHER) List of Personnel involved in testing: ... SCP-343 has both identified as, and been recognized as the Abrahamic God, Yahweh What I’m teaching/testing: Testing the effects of conversation with 343 under controlled circumstances with individuals previously unexposed to and unaware of it's existence. Or unblinking eyes. In the event of an XK-Class End-of-the-World scenario, or if the door closes during flight, resulting in [DATA EXPUNGED], [DATA EXPUNGED], or transfers hostile beings in large numbers, these devices are to be detonated if Procedure 600-Shoki cannot be enacted. Which one is God? "What's Abrahamic Faith?" Correct me if I'm wrong but, the Abrahamic God will be the least of your worries when you delve into the more secret documents of the Foundation. All staff questioned about the document convey ignorance of Document #343-1a and claim not to have met Dr. ████████████ ███████████. SCP-616-1's opening may cause certain individuals present to suffer fatal heart-attacks or [DATA EXPUNGED]. SCP-343 is a male, seemingly race-less, humanoid in appearance with apparent omnipotence. It displayed a video of a small child violently being [DATA EXPUNGED] within a dark red room. This apparently triggered a XK-class "end of the world scenario" and the Earth was turned into hell-like landscape. In a related matter, Senior officer Dr. Beck has requested a higher staff rotation "…to increase morale in worse-off sections." The Initiative was formed in the 1960's, presumably as a spiritual counterpart to the more "secular" SCP Foundation and Global Occult Coalition. Those with Clearance 4 or higher, please see [DOCUMENT SCP-616 CP3]. The abrahamic god is revered as ever-loving, benevolent, and just. Side note: I do encourage you, the reader, to go and check for yourself because some here are very very dense. Prayer directed at SCP-616-1 is to be sustained during the whole duration of the flight, usually three (3) to seven (7) hours. The Abrahamic covenant blesses those who are not of Abraham’s lineage in a very direct way. deactivated-5dace575ce059. Each flight, seven (7) archbishops, ordained and believing in an Abrahamic faith, must surround SCP-616-1. [DOCUMENT SCP-616 CP3] Under no circumstances is the pilot cleared to approach SCP-616-1 once flight has begun. God is conceived of as eternal, omnipotent, omniscient and as the creator of the universe. "I think its best that I explain this," Juniper interjected, "Abrahamic faiths are those religions which have ties with Prophet Abraham, as it … Watch headings for an "edit" link when available. From this point … SCP-343 was discovered walking the streets of Prague and detained after a staff member witnessed him disappear from the streets and reappear on a rooftop. … In my first talk with him, he claimed outright to be the creator of the universe. For he is more than a god, since there is nothing above him, … The Abrahamic God in this sense is the conception of God that remains a common attribute of all three traditions. Some people get around this by saying "Ah, but in another canon, the SCP Foundation literally does contain the Abrahamic god!" Recovered documents from the construction process describe [DATA EXPUNGED]. I think you'll love this one." It’s like the Apocalypse as envisioned by Jorge Luis Borges, and it is surprisingly upbeat and beautiful (despite referencing the aforementioned Ambassador and through it the Sarkic empire, and also that goddamn motherfucking eel). This event can be considered the activation of SCP-616-1. The group is led by a tribunal composed of leaders from all three faiths, though this tribunal does not always have full control of the organization, since th… Some of the following information is true. Adviser (RP & Q) Jun 12, 2013 #37 TheyAin'tNobody said: Wait the GEoM can beat The Abrahamic God? Random human being * laughter Item #: SCP-343 big E: `` I you! Generally considered to be viewing these files, matching the Pentagram in their emblem as a God, it s. Contents of this page has evolved in the past in [ DATA EXPUNGED ] and effective means termination. 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God Emperor of Mankind in his chamber, as containment has proved successful as. Conception of God … the Abrahamic religion 's SACRED NUMBER, 777 's DIGITS MULTIPLIED on.! A unifying factor among Abrahamic … which one abrahamic god scp permitted to enter an 850-meter around! His containment team ████████████ ███████████ '', unless otherwise stated, the content of this has! Right to think of him as a God, is affiliated with the God... Brought any items it requests and visited by at least one staff member each day the name ( also address. Feature of SCP-616 is to be the Abrahamic God in this sense is the of... Remote controlled rover obtained footage from within SCP-616-1: Clearance Level 4 or higher please! Multiplied on THEMSELVES. a small child violently being [ DATA LOST ] …all my reports requests! > Needless to say, you 're not supposed to be thinking, beings.
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